Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear Adenovirus, I hate you.

It's called adenovirus.  And I wish it would die. I wish it would die a slow miserable death.

For the past month this virus has embedded it's nasty teeth in every member of our household and refuses to let go.

Symptoms of adenovirus:

  • fever
  • shards-of-glass like feeling in your throat
  • the look of smoking an illegal substance in your eyes ("I swear officer, I just have pinkeye!")
  • general feeling of wanting to take a bath with the hairdryer or take a nap in a running car with the garage door closed.
  • all the time, nonstop, continuous coughing repeatedly day and night
  • adverse reaction to children (especially ones infected with said virus) 
  • unusual and extremely short temper (children and adults) 
  • troubles in the bathroom, to put it nicely. 
Now... when nearly everyone in your house has this at relatively the same time. It can and will get ugly. 

We in the Chase household are emerging from the death grip of this virus this week with our heads held high. We will no longer be subjected to this vile creature. And I will wear eye makeup today for the first time in 9 days. Oh yes I will. 

My poor boy....on the first day of the pinkeye stage. He was the first to get this, and little did I know that it would only get worse and then spread to the other eye. 

He missed a whole week of school, but bounced back with style the first day back.

Carter is bearing the brunt of it now. But mom and dad are doing better and are able to properly care for him, and themselves for that matter. 

And I was so positive in my last post....... jinxed it.

To better days!!!



  1. This sounds terrible, Cody. But I must say that your writing is cracking me up! I especially love the "general feeling of wanting to take a bath with the hairdryer or take a nap in a running car with the garage door closed." Hilarious!

    xo Marcie

  2. Cody, I LOVE the new BLOG look! But I'm a little tired of looking at the adenovirus picture! Could you please write something new!!! ;)
