Monday, December 20, 2010

New Years Resolution-- Book style.

So I know I'll probably end up regretting that I committed to this. I may even quit it, just as some other well intentioned aspirations have fallen by the wayside. (running, weight watchers, vegetarianism anyone?)  For now though, it seems like a swell idea.

My New Years Book Resolution. A list of 11 books I hope to cover in the year 2011.

It has taken a while to make this list complete. I did a good bit of research and visited the bookstore to size them up. I will probably be reading them electronically, but it's nice to see what you're up against. (one of a few drawbacks to reading on the ipad) I'm NOT going to change it once posted. I may read other books, but I hope to somehow make it through these.

I read 17 books in 2010. (yes, I keep a journal) 10 of them being fairly short easy reads, 1 of them being the 1000 page Pillars of the Earth, so maybe they balance out. I feel 11 books is a do-able feat. Although, I have picked some doozies. And I am in a book club I will have other commitments as well. (hmm, maybe this is a bigger commitment than I realize) Oh, well, here we go...       (in no order at all)

#1 Little Bee by Chris Cleave -- Committed to it for my book club. I will read this one first because book club is at my house in January and I picked this book, before I had this list. :-)

#2 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams -- Mostly because I have a slight out of the loop feeling when I'm around people who have read this.

#3 Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell -- I'm just curious how well the movie follows the book.

# 4 The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen -- I've wanted to read this one for a while now. No big reason.

#5 Interview with a Vampire, Anne Rice --  Let's see how these vampires stack up against ones that sparkle and the ones that drink True Blood.

#6 My Spiritual Journey, Dali Lama -- I think it would be good to read from someone with such a positive take on the world.

#7 East of Eden, John Steinbeck -- I probably read something of his in high school or college, but I would love to have an adult "no one is forcing me to read this" take on his stuff.

#8 One True Thing, Anna Quindlin -- Recommended by a good friend, and I LOVE that there's a movie attached that haven't seen. Can't wait! Book first, then movie, my favorite thing to do!

#9 The Constant Princess, Philippa Gregory --  I loved The Other Boleyn Girl. I have been looking for another of hers to read and this is the chronologically first book. We'll see...

#10 Persuasion, Jane Austen -- I haven't read an Austen book in a while. I hope this one will be worth the work.

#11 Dead Reckoning, Charlaine Harris --  I'm obsessed with this vampire series and this new book doesn't come out until May 3, 2011. Not that I'm counting.

Ok, that about covers it. I am a little overwhelmed looking at all of these, but I know it will be a fun adventure.

I'll let you know how it's going! Now to go hover over the "publish post" button to actually commit to this. Ahhhhhh!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday week!



  1. Some interesting choices. I've read two of these: Hitchhiker's Guide and Persuasion. I remember the Hitchhiker's Guide being light, quirky and humorous, but that was over 10 years ago. Persuasion was a good one, but I've liked every Jane Austen book I've read. I am currently reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trio of books, and really enjoying their offbeat darkness. Enjoy your literary quest - it looks fun!

  2. I just started The Constant Princess in your honor! I miss reading with you!
